Anthropophagous 2000

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Anthropophagous 2000
Year: 1999
Preceded By: Antropophagus
IMDB Link: Anthropophagous 2000
# Name Cause of Death Killer On-Screen Death? Notes
1. Vicky Karamanlis Head crushed by a fallen mast Yes Accident
2. Stuart Face ripped off Nikos Karamanlis No Flashback
3. Mary Face ripped off, hacked up with an axe Nikos Karamanlis Yes Flashback
4. Vincent Impaled through the neck with a spear, head ripped off Nikos Karamanlis Yes Flashback
5. Allan Bludgeoned with a rock, innards ripped out Nikos Karamanlis Yes Flashback
6. Hank Arm ripped off, innards ripped out Nikos Karamanlis Yes Flashback
7. Irena Karamanlis Jumped out a window Herself Yes Flashback
8. Marc Impaled through the rear with a wooden stake Nikos Karamanlis No Flashback
9. Martha Karamanlis Stabbed in the stomach with a knife Nikos Karamanlis Yes Accident
10. Doctor Stan Ear ripped off, impaled through the head with a machete Nikos Karamanlis Yes Flashback
11. Caroll Fetus cut out with a rock Nikos Karamanlis Yes Flashback
12. Caroll's Baby Eaten Nikos Karamanlis Yes Flashback
13. Auriet Throat ripped out, back broken Nikos Karamanlis Yes Flashback
14. Rita Head ripped off Nikos Karamanlis Yes Flashback
15. Nikos Karamanlis Shot repeatedly with a handgun, innards ripped out, beheaded with a shovel Georg Stockmann Yes Flashback
16. Doctor Steven Bauers Shot in the face with a handgun Georg Stockmann(?) Yes
  • Numerous bodies can also be seen in the cave and Borgo San Lorenzo.
