August Underground's Penance

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August Underground's Penance
Year: 2007
Preceded By: August Underground's Mordum
IMDB Link: August Underground's Penance
# Name Cause of Death Killer On-Screen Death? Notes
1. Intro Victim Bludgeoned with a hammer Crusty and Peter No
2. Nail-Covered Victim Bludgeoned with a hammer, nails hammered into chest Peter No
3. Gutted Victim Gutted with a knife Peter Yes
4. Mike Bludgeoned with a hammer Peter Yes
5. Mike's Wife Suffocated Peter Yes
6. Mike's Daughter Strangled Crusty Yes
7. Chained Victim Unknown Crusty and Peter No
8. Bloated Victim Unknown Crusty and Peter No
9. Slit Throat Victim Throat slit with a knife Peter Yes
10. Chair Victim Unknown Crusty and Peter No
11. Bound and Bagged Victim Bludgeoned with a hammer Peter Yes
12. Dismembered Victim Unknown Crusty and Peter No
13. Pregnant Victim Fetus cut out with a knife Peter Yes
14. Offscreen Victim Unknown Peter No
15. Ending Victim Strangled Crusty Yes
16. Bathtub Victim Unknown Crusty and Peter No
17. Crusty Suffocated Herself Yes Suicide
