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This page lists the 50 newest pages on the wiki.

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Listing 50 newest pages:

  1. User:GuillermoHerrin
  2. User:RollandPhilp274
  3. A Nightmare on Elm Street: Perchance to Dream
  4. Jason X: To the Third Power
  5. Jason X: Death Moon
  6. Jason X: Planet of the Beast
  7. Jason X: The Experiment
  8. Friday the 13th: Carnival of Maniacs
  9. A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Dream Dealers
  10. A Nightmare on Elm Street: Protégé
  11. A Nightmare on Elm Street: Dreamspawn
  12. Friday the 13th: Hell Lake
  13. A Nightmare on Elm Street: Suffer the Children
  14. Friday the 13th: Church of the Divine Psychopath
  15. Category:Novels
  16. TBA/Film Suggestion List
  17. File:Vincent Anthropophagous 2000.png
  18. File:Vicky Karamanlis Anthropophagous 2000.png
  19. File:Stuart Anthropophagous 2000.png
  20. File:Rita Anthropophagous 2000.png
  21. File:Nikos Karamanlis Anthropophagous 2000.png
  22. File:Mary Anthropophagous 2000.png
  23. File:Martha Karamanlis Anthropophagous 2000.png
  24. File:Marc Anthropophagous 2000.png
  25. File:Irena Karamanlis Anthropophagous 2000.png
  26. File:Hank Anthropophagous 2000.png
  27. File:Doctor Steven Bauers Anthropophagous 2000.png
  28. File:Doctor Stan Anthropophagous 2000.png
  29. File:Caroll's Baby Anthropophagous 2000.png
  30. File:Caroll Anthropophagous 2000.png
  31. File:Auriet Anthropophagous 2000.png
  32. File:Allan Anthropophagous 2000.png
  33. File:Marta Arnau Marti Aftermath.png
  34. File:Man Aftermath.png
  35. File:Cadáver Vin Aftermath.png
  36. File:Peggy Absurd.png
  37. File:Nurse Thelma Gardelli Absurd.png
  38. File:Nurse Emily Absurd.png
  39. File:Mikos Stenopolis Absurd.png
  40. File:Machine Shop Worker Absurd.png
  41. File:Father Absurd.png
  42. File:Biker Absurd.png
  43. File:Le Policier 3615 Code Pere Noel.png
  44. File:Le Pere Noel 3615 Code Pere Noel.png
  45. File:Chauffeur-Livreur 3615 Code Pere Noel.png
  46. File:Charles Louise 3615 Code Pere Noel.png
  47. User:DannieBorchgrevi
  48. User:Julian3157
  49. Category:Snuff Film
  50. Category:Shot on video