The Night Brings Charlie

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The Night Brings Charlie
# Name Cause of Death Killer On-Screen Death? Notes
1. Carol Barker Beheaded with a tree-trimming knife Walt Parker No Mentioned
2. Shannon Davis Beheaded with a tree-trimming knife Walt Parker Yes
3. Debbie Del Vecchio Beheaded with a tree-trimming knife Charlie Puckett Yes
4. Bobby Snyder Beheaded with a tree-trimming knife Charlie Puckett No
5. Man in Road Impaled through the hand with a pair of garden shears, run over with a pickup truck Charlie Puckett Yes
6. Mick Beheaded with a tree-trimming knife Charlie Puckett No
7. Biker #1 Impaled through multiple places by a bale claw Charlie Puckett No
8. Spike Hacked in the chest with an axe Charlie Puckett Yes
9. Walt Parker Shot twice in the chest with a handgun Jenny Parker Yes Accident
  • It's mentioned that a man opened fire in a crowded restaurant with a shotgun.
  • It's mentioned that Jenny Parker's mother is dead.
  • It's mentioned that Walt Parker and Charlie Puckett killed a seventeen year-old girl in Vietnam.

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