The Amityville Curse

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The Amityville Curse
Year: 1990
Preceded By: Amityville Horror: The Evil Escapes
Proceeded By: Amityville 1992: It's About Time
IMDB Link: The Amityville Curse
# Name Cause of Death Killer On-Screen Death? Notes
1. Father Percheos Shot in the head with a handgun Frank Yes
2. Thin Boy Hung in a bedsheet noose Himself Yes Suicide
3. Mrs. Moriarty Knocked down a flight of stairs Frank Yes
4. Marvin Shot in the head with a handgun Frank No
5. William Strangled with a headphones cord Frank No
6. Frank Impaled through the back with a metal crucifix Debra Yes
  • It's mentioned that Frank's mother is dead.

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